Take Action

Get Involved

How can we help the bees? What is happening? You can raise awareness by bringing Queen of the Sun to your city by hosting a screening. The filmmakers who made Queen of the Sun are actively looking to partner with community organizations to premiere Queen of the Sun in your city as a fundraiser for local groups that are actively bringing news about bee colony collapse. We can help each other, by bringing Queen of the Sun to your city you can bring awareness of your group’s bee advocacy and fundraise. Through your speaking out about bee issues you can help us reach a wider audience for Queen of the Sun and generate news about both this issue, and the film. Bring an Contact us for more ideas and specialized press kit packages to help publicize a special screening in your area. It’s exciting and infectious to be a part of the solution to this overwhelming problem.

The Bee Crisis

In the fall of 2006, newspapers around the United States began to publicize a unnerving phenomenon. Honeybees were a mysteriously disappearing from beehives all around the nation. Dave Hackenburg, a outspoken beekeeper, and the first to raise a stir about the crisis, reported that bees were simply vanishing from his hives. That fall, beekeepers and commercial beekeeping enterprises around the country reported losses of 30% with some beekeepers reporting losses up to 90% of all of their colonies. read more about the bee crisis

Join the Community

Queen of the Sun follows colorful, alternative and inspiring beekeepers from all around the globe as they keep bees in natural and holistic ways. You can follow activities of the Queen of the Sun beekeepers through keeping up with our facebook page and signing up for our newsletter for up to date details of film screenings, bee activism and save-the-bees campaign details. Check back to this site for forum boards, talkback and more community functions.

Things you can do to help the bees

Take the time to listen to and take care of the honeybees in your neighborhood. Here are some steps that you can take right now to help the bees:

  1. Plant bee-friendly flowers and flowering herbs in your garden and yard.
  2. Don’t use chemicals and pesticides to treat your lawn or garden.
  3. Buy local, organic food from a farmer that you know.
  4. Bees are thirsty. Put a small basin of fresh water outside your home.

see the full list

Donate to this project

We need your help. By donating to Queen of The Sun: What Are the Bees Telling Us? you will help fund the educational outreach campaign which will allow the film to reach community venues, classrooms, and living rooms around the country. Our hope is that the film will inspire people to think deeply about their relationship with the honeybee and the entire natural world and your contribution will immensely help us do that. Donate


We love our sponsors — businesses and individuals that are helping us get the word out. If you are a business, consider being one, if you are an individual, donate — it feels good!